About Anna

Anna Tan grew up in Malaysia, the country that is not Singapore. She writes fantasy stories and fairy tales, puts together anthologies, and helps people figure out their publishing goals at Teaspoon Publishing. 

Anna has an MA in Creative Writing: The Novel under a Chevening scholarship and is the current President of the Malaysian Writers Society (MYWriters). She is interested in Malay/Nusantara and Chinese legends and folklore in exploring the intersections of language, culture, and faith. Anna can be found tweeting as @natzers, posting tea pictures on Instagram, and forgetting to update this website.

Latest book news

The Making of a Jurusihir launched at the Kuala Lumpur International Book Festival (KLIBF/PBAKL) on May 24.

Coming up this weekend:

Curious to know what Anna writes? Find out more about Anna's books here and short stories here!

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